Studded Bra- DIY

I'm not really one for airing my underwear online, but all this is all in the name of blogging and saving you all a few pounds!

Like so many people, I am all over anything studded at the moment, and after coming across so many pictures of Bras similar to this on Tumblr I decided that I needed one. Not really to wear, just to look at.

I ordered a set of Studs off of eBay (I haven't got the actual seller as it was my friends account), but they worked out only a couple of pounds from Hong Kong and didn't take too long to arrive. 

These studs are 12mm ones, you can see in the photos that I haven't secured all of them to the bra but to do so you simply just pierce through the material and fold, like a split pin.

I didn't really plan where I was going to put them, I just got studding and went along with it. I am aware that it is not the neatest design, but I don't like anything too matchy anyway. It literally took me about ten minutes to do this, it couldn't be easier. One thing I will advice, is that if you are going to get studding, be careful of your fingers, I dropped one on the floor and stood on it, ouch! 

I'm planning on studding up my Levis shorts for the summer and a few other bits and bobs. 

I really hope you don't mind that I posted a picture of my bra on here and I hope you're well.
