Bourjois Paris 1 Second Magic Nail Polish Remover

Hello magic product!
I've been trying to get hold of one of these Bourjois Magic Nail Varnish Removers for a while now, but unfortunately they have been sold out every time I've gone into Boots or Superdrug to get one.
I finally managed to get my hands on one and I am so impressed with it.

I mentioned in my Nail Envy post that I am so impatient when it comes to waiting for nails to dry and the same goes for removal too. The quicker the better and with this product taking just one second per nail, it really is magic.

The magic behind it, is that it's basically a pot of nail varnish remover that is soaked up in the sponge that sits in the pot. When you pop your polished in there, and twist against the sponge the nail varnish remover then removes the product. Just like nail varnish to cotton wool would normally. 
It really does work super quick, a couple of double/treble coated nails, I've had to put in twice but other than that rare occasion the nail is pretty much stripped clean in a second.

It says Red Fruit and Vanilla fragrance on the bottle, I'm not so sure. Don't do what I did and sniff this product, as it almost knocked me out. It's still very much a bottle of nail varnish and I can't seem to smell the pretty scents it's meant to have.

This is an acetone free remover which contains nourishing sweet almond oil which means it's kind to both your nails and cuticles.

It's a few pounds more than a standard nail varnish remover, but in terms of convenience and waste, I think it's very much worth every penny.

Have you tried this little pot of magic? Would you rather pay the extra few pounds for the convenience? 
