Nioxin Hair System

In my previous Nioxin post that I wrote just after my Nioxin Renew Scalp Dermabrasion blow dry, I mentioned that I had been given Nioxin products to use for the next month in order to transform my thin hair into thicker, reconditioned, fuller locks. 

I have used this system for the past 30 days and I must admit I am definitely one of the 72% that notice that my hair is visibly thicker within the month. It isn't actually thicker, in terms of strand by strand but to the eye it does look a lot fuller.
I have been laying off the heat a bit, so straightening has been a bit of a no no and if anything my hair has maybe looked a little too thick and big. Too thick? Yes, I did just say that.
My hair definitely needs a trim and day to day, I have been thinking that it's looking slightly too full, although I can't complain as it's all I've ever wanted. The box states that 77% of people also had these effects, so if you want the look and feel of more hair (this product isn't a miracle and unfortunately won't make your hair grow)- these products are for you!

The Nioxin Hair System Kit 1 consists of;
-Cleanser Shampoo 150ml
-Scalp Revitaliser Conditioner 150ml
-Leave In Scalp Treatment 50ml

I really, really love the Shampoo. It really feels super fresh in your hair and leaves it feeling so clean and free of build up.
I mentioned before that I have recently been suffering with a horrible dry scalp, and a huge plus with this product is that it removes build up beautifully as well as being quite heavy with the menthol, which is so cool and soothing on the scalp. It's not really the scent I would have thought I would like in a shampoo, but in fact I really like it.
Unlike the other products, that look pretty standard and White, this is Mint Green in colour and really does smell so fresh and minty to match. I find it so lovely to use, especially in the morning.

When I had the blow dry, that I blogged about here, the stylist told me I may experience a tingling sensation whilst it was on and I have every time I have used it, both in the salon and at home. This is completely normal and really makes me believe that it's getting to work, it's also super refreshing on my scalp which is quite often a relief.

Whilst I'm on the point of my dry scalp, for the first couple of weeks I was worrying that maybe this system was too harsh or drying, as it seemed to be getting worse. However, a further two weeks on my scalp is a lot better. I'm not sure whether it's down to these products, or whether it's just calming down anyway as I really do believe it did just come from no where.

The theory behind these products are that they exfoliate away the bad stuff on the root and replace and repair with good stuff, to make the condition around the root better, and therefore improve the look and feel of the hair itself. With that in mind, I think maybe it got worse because of the change but then got a lot better.

As far as conditioners go, I don't really like using them but this is one of the better ones. It doesn't leave my hair feeling or looking too fly away and after leaving for a few minutes and rinsing off with cool water my hair feels pleasant and around my scalp and feels pretty amazing.
I wouldn't normally use cold water to rinse my hair after washing, but the stylist did suggest it and really it makes sense. Just like its good to close your pores after your skin care routine, its good to close your hair follicle also.

The third part to the kit is the Leave In Scalp Treatment spray, which acts very similar to a toner full of goodness; antioxidants, botanicals and peppermint oil. I really like the concept of this product and enjoy using it a lot. You spray it onto towel dried hair (particularly on the scalp) before drying. It feels cool on your scalp, but you can't feel the product as it is just a fine spray.

I was also provided with the Nioxin Deep Repair Intensive Treatment 150ml, which I must admit I didn't use every time I washed my hair though I did use it at least once a week.
This puts some strength back into your hair and works like most other treatments and after leaving it on your hair for a few minutes after your normal shampoo and conditioning routine, it leaves your hair feel super glossy and in good condition.
I'm not sure whether its down to this product in particular or the kit as a whole, but I have noticed a significant amount less of hair breakage and fall out, especially after washing my hair.

I really do like these products and when I run out I will definitely consider purchasing them, especially the Shampoo and the Scalp Treatment.

The Nioxin System Kits are available for all different hair types and cost £27.99 each although you can buy the products singly, in bigger bottles costing from £16.99. The Nioxin Deep Repair Intensive Treatment also costs £16.99.

These products are available online and all salon stocklists can be found online here.


*This is a sponsored post