Boots Sleep In Rollers

Hey sweets,

I'm all about my hair at the moment, and I have been getting my desired look with the help of these wonderful little creations.
I've been a fan of rollers for a while, and still use my Enrapture Heated Rollers on a very regular basis (I recently posted about a special offer here) but I feel that sometimes nothing quite beats hair styling than the old fashioned tools. 

I have a huge collection of standard velcro rollers that can be worn throughout the day but unfortunately, they are all impossible to sleep in. I've tried but they are so uncomfortable and I end up pulling them out in the middle of the night.

Hello sleep in rollers!
All of a sudden, I'm sure with the help of certain television shows- yes Desperate Scousewives, there has been a huge market for rollers. They're everywhere- and every one wants a little piece of the glamour.

I had my eye on a set of sleep in rollers that I had seen advertised but they were priced at £16 and I wasn't too sure, and as if by absolute luck I was given a set of Boots large sleep in rollers- I didn't even know these existed! 

They are the exactly the same as a standard velcro roller, except rather than being an uncomfortable hard plastic they are filled with a spongey foam which makes it very possible and comfortable to sleep in.
I absolutely love my sleep and hate it being disturbed, but I really find these pretty easy/bearable to sleep in.
You are obviously going to be aware that they are there, but there soft and very light so its easy to get used to.

I apply my rollers more for volume rather than curls, so I place them just on the top part of my head; 
Three along my parting rolled backwards and a few either side rolled downwards.

I take a small section of dry hair (although these can be applied to wet hair also), run my GHD over the section for a little bit of heat, and apply the roller making sure its pretty even and all rolled straight to avoid kinks. I then secure with a hair grip and when they are all applied I lightly spray a layer of hairspray.
I keep them on for as long as possible really, I put these in last night, and took them out after doing my make up today.

Applied last night

 Rollers this morning- still pretty much perfect.

When you take these out, you do have quite an extreme curl or shape to your hair. I just brush this through normally, not taking any particular care and then have a little play, decide where I want my parting and get styling.

My hair stays so full of volume and I'm absolutely thrilled with the look these give.

 This picture was taken after having my rollers in over night and then straightened with my GHDS. 
I love the lift and shape they give my hair, especially at the roots.

These are available here in Boots and come in a pack of 6. They cost just £4.99 and I really can't recommend them enough. 

I hope you're all very well and that I have answered any questions you asked me about my hair.
