Current Make Up Storage

I've got to that point again, when a girl has too much stuff! All of a sudden, my was very organised bedroom has become a huge unorganised mess and I can't stand it. I like everything I own to have its place, and it to be in that place after it has been used.

The most troublesome things that I find hard storing are products, I have so many of them and quite a small bedroom. Using them every day means that they have to be easily accessible, yet still neat and tidy.

I decided to pick up this Acrylic storage from Homebase- mostly because Kim Kardashian has something very similar but secondly because it's practical. It isn't the prettiest nor the most in fitting with my bedroom decor but it means that all of my make up is together (most of it).
It's very similar to the stackable Muji storage, but this comes with three drawers and is slightly more expensive, costing £20.99. 
I chose the Homebase one for a couple of reasons; I couldn't be bothered to wait for delivery and I had some nectar points to put towards the cost.

I have a few more bits of make up (mostly coloured things/eyeshadows that I don't really wear), so I'm going to purchase another of these just to make it even more organised than it already is. 

My big products (fake tan, hair sprays etc) are all in a box underneath my bed which is not very practical but it will do, but for now I have popped my daily products in my cupcake stand which is also from Homebase. I got it a while ago, but its still available and costs about £7. 

My nail varnish is an ever expanding and currently lives in the flowery box above the acrylic storage. I'm thinking of getting a tiny floating shelf for them all, as most of them are such lovely colours and deserve to be on show.  

This isn't how it will be stored forever, but it will do for now whilst I decide how to store it all/brave having a downsize. 

I had a few tweets asking me where I got my acrylic storage, so I hope that this post helps.
