Origins- A Perfect World SPF BB Cream

Since BB Creams took a whole chunk of the beauty market in the UK, I have always been intrigued, but after swatching quite a few now I've never really found my dream shade or one that I had to have and to be honest, being very much a quite full coverage girl and barely wearing the tinted moisturisers that I already own, I didn't ever feel it too necessary to purchase.

Though I wasn't sold on them, when this Origins BB Cream* turned up at my house I was all of a sudden a very excited girl and couldn't wait to try it. After all, it was Origins and after the raves I have heard of them recently, I was sure that it would be the BB Cream of my dreams.

For those of you that may not know what a BB Cream is, it's a Beauty Balm/Blemish Balm/Blemish Base. They're absolutely huge in Asia, which is where they come from originally (whilst I was in Thailand, I literally couldn't get away from them- they're everywhere!)
On paper, they seem (possibly are) the perfect product; a tinted moisturiser designed to be a primer like base for make up, even out skin tone and blemishes, moisturise your skin and this one even works to beat your skins ageing with added SPF moisturiser and White Tea.
 Now, other than having perfect coverage, I'm not sure this product could sound any better though however great it reads on paper unfortunately it doesn't come through on my face perfectly and I've decided that though I do like it and it's perfect for a less is more kind of day or on holiday, BB Creams don't really do it for me.

On all of my days off for the past couple of weeks, I have been wearing this on its own (this would be a sweaty dewy disaster if I wore it to work!). 
In consistency, it's much thicker than other tinted moisturisers I have tried but meets half way between them and a foundation. It does apply really well and although I've heard a lot of people use their fingers for application, I still prefer a brush just to make sure its all buffed in to perfection. After application, I feel like I have to wait a little while for it to set into the skin, but thats fine with me, as it is a moisturiser after all. It smells nice and fresh, very origins, although be careful because this product in the eyes stings horrifically. It does warn to keep away from the eyes, however it's still managed to get into my eyes a few times and without moaning too much about it, gosh it was awful!

On the tube it says to apply in the AM and is said to last about 8 hours. Personally, I don't think even with a powder this stays looking fabulous on my skin for 8 hours. It's probably just me and my skin not really being used to a product like this, but I felt like it had come away quite a lot a few of the days that I wore it. 

I said before I'm all about more coverage and though underneath make up as a base it works really nicely for me being a super smooth moisturised base, I do find if I wear this alone, rather than underneath all of my make up I do have to wear a considerable amount of translucent powder, purely because  I don't think I suit the dewy look at all. At first I wasn't sure about wearing a powder with it, as it kind of defeats the object, but it works well and is perfect for those less piled on days/holidays. 

I think if you're into either your BB Creams or tinted moisturisers then this is definitely for you, in terms of shade this is darker than I thought a Light/Medium normally would be but it's the best one I've seen out of those I have swatched previously.

It comes in six shades, which I suppose is reasonable for this kind of product and costs £27 for 50ml. 

Are you into your BB Creams and tinted moisturisers or are you more of a coverage girl like myself? Which ones would you recommend?
