My new camera- Canon E0S 600D

I've been wanting to upgrade my camera for a while now and with a few things coming up, I finally decided to take the plunge on Sunday and after ton's of umming and arrhing I came home with the current love of my life, the Canon EOS 600D. 

This SLR is a little dream and I can't wait to get to know all of its functions and use it to its full potential. I'm so used to using my beloved Lumix G1 which is pretty similar to a SLR, but smaller and now want to know absolutely everything about this camera, so that I can use it as confidently. With that in mind I would love for you to share any tips or advice you have in regards to the Canon 600D as right now I am slightly lost!

Something that I'm super excited about is that this camera films in such good quality, so much so that I am considering making a few videos to include in some posts. I'm not promising anything, but it is definitely being considered. 

If you do have any tips for using this camera brilliantly, I really would appreciate them lots. 

I hope you're all well