Feline Friday.

Ahh, another lovely Friday. Why is it that Friday's feel so good? I mean, I have to work for a few hours both Saturday and Sunday, but still, today feels so lovely. Maybe it's because I started the day off right by buying myself this adorable vintage embroidered calico kitty. I first saw this cutie awhile back on Kaylah's blog, The Dainty Squid. She is a fellow cat lover, I highly recommend her precious blog. I figured there was no way the embroidery was still available, but somehow I stumbled upon it on Etsy the other day....I waited until payday, and it still wasn't purchased...now it's mine!

Here's a couple more cute kitty images for this lovely feline Friday. <3

Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

I hope everyone has a fabulous Friday night!
xo. Traci