"Air hostess, I like the way you dress.."

Today the postman placed a fantastic piece of news through my letterbox..
I have been invited back to flying for the Summer!

I'm overwhelmed with excitement, butterflies and goodness.
This time in two months, I will hopefully have finished my training course and be reunited with my beautiful dolls, flying the summer skies of the world.

Tonight I was meant to have been going out and was looking forward to some celebratory beverages, but instead rather than putting my make up to waste, I started practising my work hair.

I have been growing it since last summer in hope that this year it would become easier to style for work. I don't like having a plain pony tail, so I usually go for a similar style to this.
-Backcomb hair a little (or quite a lot in my case)
-If the front is already quite thick just pull back from face and pull ends towards the crown and secure with a hair grip.
-Turn head upside down, add a little hairspray and create the shape. Hold into place and clip.
-Scrape all remaining hair into a ponytail.

I have to then secure every single hair with a huge amount of hairspray which by the end of a long flight can look vile (oh the glamour of an air hostess). I use L'oreal Elnett as it is quite fine and brushes out easily.
I also have to cover my hairband with a piece of hair, and as my hairs quite thin I use a babyliss hair piece that has a magnet clip and just wrap it around the band. I got this in Boots for £4.99.

Extra goodness is that I now have a reason to buy some new lipsticks and nail varnishes as they have to compliment each other and be immaculate. Exciting!