Happy New Year & Happy Birthday!

Happy New Year!

2012, I can't actually believe how fast 2011 went. I'm not going to get all sentimental on you, but I really have had a wonderful year.
In terms of my blog- which may I add is two years old today- Happy Birthdayy, I have done so many amazing things this past year. I have met some fabulous bloggers and been fortunate enough to attend some great events- I am very, very grateful and hope that I have the opportunity to do so again this year. 

In true blogger style, I thought I would share my outfit that I wore last night with you.
Excuse the iPhone photography, I had a little make up disaster that showed up on flash which I will go into more detail in a future post!
I went to Market Place in London and had a really good night, a very good night in fact- even if I am struggling a little today.

 After tons of indecisive outfit tweets I opted for
-Nude Never Fully Dressed Shirt
- H&M Blazer
- Topshop Leather Zipped Shorts

I quite liked my little ensemble..What do you think?

Again, a huge happy new year to you all!
