
I am a self-confessed social media junkie and can pretty much be found somewhere on every platform going. When I heard of yet another platform launching, I must admit I did wonder where it would fit in, but surprisingly, this one fits in perfectly well, being something that hasn't been done before and working to encourage something that most social media platforms try to refrain from being used-Anonymity. 

Pencourage is an online journal, where all of your thoughts and feelings are available for the world to see, though unlike most social media profiles- your details are kept entirely anonymous. 

It's the perfect place for the in-between of what you say and what you actually mean. The type of place that tweets that you delete before publishing go and the place where statuses that actually shouldn't be seen by your timeline are homed. Whether it simply be an anonymous journal where you keep your day to day happenings noted or a network where you do get a little deeper and share your inner most thoughts and feelings, it's up to you what you share and with Pencourages promise to keep all user details a secret, I certainly know where my daily rants will be heading. 

I only ever post the things I want the world to see online, but will now most likely be using Pencourage for the in-between. 

"We hope that one day your life is as wonderful as you pretend it is on Facebook"- Pencourage. A quote that particularly tickled me. 

Will you be signing up to Pencourage? What sort of thing would you write in your journal? 

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*This is a sponsored post